Business mentoring for creative mamas.

Through my 1-1 mentoring offering, I’m here to support you every step of the way in your business journey.

Are you ready to receive the clarity, guidance and accountability you’ve been craving? If so, I’m excited to hear from you!

“It’s so useful having someone to chat things through with and to keep me on track and accountable for my goals. She’s such a good listener. I always feel so inspired after our chats!”

Isabel Knowles Clothing Designer

When you work with me as your business mentor, you’ll get the support and guidance of someone who gets it.  I’ll be a sounding board for your ideas, an experienced empathetic ear, a cheerleader, and an accountability buddy all rolled into one. 

As a mentor, I definitely don’t claim to “have all the answers” – in fact, I’ll happily admit that I’m growing and learning all the time – however, I am skilled at helping you figure out the right path for you in this season of your business. I will encourage you and help you to set goals that align with the creative business you’re building and the lifestyle you want to live.

If you want to build a business that’s sustainable both financially and energetically…

If you’re keen to feel excited rather than overwhelmed by your to-do list…

If you’re ready to embrace a more intentional way in your work…

Then I am certain we’d be a great fit and I’d be delighted and honoured to support you.

Here are the three ways to work with me…

Find the options for working together below and book a free discovery call to chat through what would be best for you.

Have a creative cuppa

You and me connecting over a virtual cup of tea. 

This one-off session is perfect if you’re wanting to gain clarity around a particular area of your business, chat through the stumbling blocks you are facing or if you are in need of a creative pep talk.

You’ll come away from your creative cuppa with a clear plan for your next best steps, plus you’ll be feeling inspired and motivated to take action! 

As follow-up, you’ll receive notes and an audio recording so you can revisit your session, plus we’ll have a catch-up over voice note two weeks after your session to ensure you’re on the right track. 

What’s included?

  • Creative cuppa questionnaire and workbook
  • 60-minute mentoring session (via Zoom)
  • A bespoke action plan for your to map out your next steps
  • Session notes via email, an audio recording of our call + links for further support and inspiration
Investment £150

Cultivate intentional foundations

A deep-dive mentoring session, plus one month of support, guidance and accountability.

This offering is for creatives who are craving clarity in their business and who are feeling called to get intentional in their work and life. Throughout a month of working together, I’ll support you to cultivate strong foundations in your business, you’ll connect with your big picture and learn to set goals from a place of intention and alignment.

Support will be bespoke to your needs as we’ll focus on the areas of your business that need particular attention; whether that’s figuring out what your working week looks like, the processes you need to put in place or working on your marketing strategy.

By the end of the month you’ll be feeling excited and energised about your creative business and feel clear on the next steps to take towards your goals. 

What’s included?

  • Intentional foundations questionnaire and workbook
  • One 90-minute deep-dive mentoring session (via Zoom or in person)
  • One 45-minute month-end review and quarterly goal setting mentoring session (via Zoom)
  • Weekly goal and intention setting prompt email
  • Weekly check-ins, and unlimited support and guidance via email, messages and voice notes (within my office hours)
  • Bespoke resources, workbooks and journaling prompts
Investment £300

Invest in a season of support

Monthly mentoring sessions and weekly check-ins across three months of support, guidance and accountability.

For those craving longer-term support and guidance, I’ll support you as you get truly intentional in your creative business. You’ll get clear on your big picture and learn to set goals from a place of intention and alignment. Together we’ll delve into your rhythms and routines, geek out about your processes, and ensure that your business model is serving you well.

During three months of support, we’ll also working on cultivating confidence around your marketing strategy and content planning. There will be plenty of accountability along the way with regular check-ins in between your monthly calls. Plus you’ll learn tools and practices to incorporate into your intentional working week for the long term.

What’s included?

  • Intentional foundations questionnaire and workbook
  • 4 mentoring sessions via Zoom and an audio recording of each call. (1 x 90-minute session + 3 x 60-minute month-end sessions)
  • Weekly goal and intention setting prompt email
  • Weekly check-ins, and unlimited support and guidance via email, messages and voice notes (within my office hours)
  • Bespoke resources, workbooks and journaling prompts
Investment £600

“Charlie helped in challenging some of the thought patterns that can hold me back and gave a bit of a nudge to stop overthinking and just do it! It’s great to have that accountability with someone.”

Hannah at Wild Folk seasonal events

Mailing list

In my intentionaliTEA letters, I share inspiration, practices and guidance, to help you live and work in a more intentional way as you build your business alongside raising a family. Sign up for my free goals and intentions workbook.


I co-host Friends with Business Benefits. A podcast for creatives who crave connection understanding and support. Listen fortnightly for your dose of practical advice, inspiration and solidarity.


Read my blog for a peek behind the scenes. I share tales of raising a family, building a business and living a simple creative life.