Building and maintaining momentum is crucial for the growth and success of any business. However, we all go through ebbs and flows and as creative mamas, balancing business and family life can be particularly challenging. It can often feel as though it doesn’t take much to knock you off course. Periods of sick days or […]
Author: CharlieSwift
Gentle intentions for tough times.
What strange and scary times these are. It feels like we were just reaching the end of a long damp and gloomy winter when these new dark clouds gathered. How are you holding up? I think like most I’ve been going through a rollercoaster of emotions these last few weeks. Swinging from being very anxious and […]
Making time for creativity this season
I sent this post to my newsletter subscribers at the beginning of Autumn. If you’d like regular updates from me in your inbox do sign up here. There’s something about this time of year that sparks my creativity into overdrive – the autumnal colours, the misty mornings, being stuck indoors on a rainy day; it […]
Playlist: Toddler Tunes Late Summer ’19
One morning recently I put on the radio to rouse my sleepy toddler from his rare lie-in. Moments later, he sat up proclaimed “hear music!” and promptly started dancing on the bed. This kid of mine literally wakes up dancing! Music is such an important part of our rhythm. Soundtracking our days together at home, it […]
Going plastic free in the kitchen for July
I have been aware of Plastic Free July for a few years now, perhaps first coming across the initiative via The Slow Home Podcast in 2016. This year I finally felt that I have the headspace, inclination and enthusiasm to give it a bit of a go myself. We’ve already made a number of swaps […]
Mini Mindful Moments for Mammas (or anyone craving a little more calm in their days)
It can feel like your time is not your own when you’re a mama. Mum-days are spent constantly trying to working through chores, feeding-cleaning-changing on repeat, jumping from one activity to another trying to keep your little entertained. On work days there are the bags to be packed, drop-offs and collections to do on time, […]
Baking with baby (…and some thoughts about blogging for the joy of it)
A funny thing about blogging, Instagramming and sharing your life online is that it’s hard not to end up viewing things in terms of content and strategy. I find this, in turn, leads to a whole lot of rules and ‘SHOULDS’ to follow. Things such as; I should mix up my content to keep it interesting, not […]
Living a Simple Creative Life
What does living a creative life mean to you? Is it turning your passion into a living and running your own creative business? Or pursuing a career in a creative industry perhaps? Or maybe for you, it’s more about finding time for creative activities and hobbies outside of what you do for work. Creativity is such […]
Introducing ‘Friends With Business Benefits’: A podcast for creatives
I’ve launched a podcast!!! If you follow me on Instagram you *may* have heard me talking about it. 😉 Friends With Business Benefits is live and available to download on your podcast app now. I’m co-hosting the show alongside my business bestie Franky (also known as Love Audrey). Franky and I have been having regular co-mentoring […]
Four struggles I faced in my first year of business
With my maternity benefit pay recently coming to an end, thoughts of returning to work have been occupying my mind. Before having our baby in December, I had spent just over a year working for myself. I’ve been reflecting on my first year of business and especially how I can try my best not to repeat some […]