Category: INSPIRE

Making time for creativity this season

I sent this post to my newsletter subscribers at the beginning of Autumn. If you’d like regular updates from me in your inbox do sign up here. There’s something about this time of year that sparks my creativity into overdrive – the autumnal colours, the misty mornings, being stuck indoors on a rainy day; it […]

Playlist: Toddler Tunes Late Summer ’19

One morning recently I put on the radio to rouse my sleepy toddler from his rare lie-in.  Moments later, he sat up proclaimed “hear music!” and promptly started dancing on the bed. This kid of mine literally wakes up dancing! Music is such an important part of our rhythm. Soundtracking our days together at home, it […]

Playlist: Last Days of Summer

I’ve made a playlist of new music for these last days of summer. Hazey tracks that suit the mood of this changeable weather and  won’t quite let go of the summer vibes. Listen to this playlist it whilst enjoying the September sun or during your last barbeque of the year. Listen to it while getting cosy […]

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