Author: CharlieSwift

Me & My Bump: Body Confidence in Pregnancy

Oh my how time ticks on! This week marks one month until our due date and I am working on processing the fact that – assuming that the little Gelfling doesn’t see fit to make an early appearance – we’re having a baby next month! I do so admire those “proper” bloggers with weekly pregnancy diary entries. […]

On Blogging

So, it’s been a good couple of months since I posted here. The hiatus wasn’t exactly planned, but it also wasn’t entirely unintentional either. Although I’ve been blogging in one form or another for the best part of a decade, I’ve never exactly been great when it comes to consistency. During the final few months […]

Inspiration: ‘Reversal Of The Muse’ Podcast

I am a podcast junkie – I listen to them on a daily basis and love their company when walking or travelling, whilst working, when I’m doing house chores or in the wee hours during bouts of insomnia. As I listen to them so much I’m always on the hunt for new shows to download and […]

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